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The Feast: God's Corner

I am a Catholic. I used to think that Catholic maybe one of the most boring religion of all. And that's why many Catholics being converted to other religion. They're like searching God all their life and suddenly found it with other sects. I am not against other sects, they are great in their own ways. But my point is to those other catholics out their that don't like the old ways, taking naps during the first, second and gospel reading and sleeping during homily. I invite to attend the Feast. It is a catholic community which celebrates God's love with worship, talks from powerful speakers and you are able to celebrate the Holy Mass together with your loving catholic community. 

Here is here is the video of PICC Feast, I suggest you come personally and experience it yourself! But you can watch the video to have an idea of what is happening the Feast. Enjoy. Be bless. Be love. Be God's. :))

Beware: Feast is a community of "SINNERS being clothed of God's Love and Forgiveness". I do invite you to attend the feast that is near you, I hope to see you there! I am attending Pasig Feast lead by Bro. Obet Cabrillas: Here are schedules of the Feast all over the country: