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Friday, May 6, 2011

An Open Letter of a Daughter to her Mothers.

Dear Mama,
Earlier, I received a call and a customer is greeting me a happy mother's day and that reminds me that it is Mother's Day on Sunday, May 8, I don't have anything for yet for you so I did this.. 
You and I had been separated before for quite a while and before you left the house we had a fight and I told you the worst words that I could ever tell "Wala kang kwentang ina" (you're not a worthy mother). And those words made you left me and my brother. That is my greatest regret in life. I wish I never said that, you don't even deserved it. When our reconciliation came, you were the the first one to ask forgiveness, and you hugged me so tight, like you long for me so much. I know right there and then that my sorry wasn't needed anymore, you forgave already. Thank you.

I felt your great love for me when I had a terrible sickness that almost killed me. You're there try to ease every pain that I felt, I know you didn't sleep well because you're looking after me, you bathed me cause I cannot do it on my own, and you even fed me. I remember you cleaning my mess without saying a word and you're taking every chance just to give us a comfortable life. I truly love you. You are the best cook we ever had.! But what really makes me proud that you take as your own child our half-siblings. I truly salute you for that. You love them as you love us. Thank you. 

Mama, I really want to thank you for everything. I know that no matter what happen we can always rely on you. When everyone condemns us you are there understanding us. I shall not judge you because I know everything you want is for our welfare. You know I love you so much. I am sorry for every pain and every fights that I have cause you. You said to me "Wag mo kasing dalhin lahat ng responsibilidad" (don't take all the responsibility) I know you still see us your baby. But Let me just tell you that later on. We can take all the responsibility and we will give back the love you've given to us. But I know I cannot do that because your love is rooted deep within your heart and you'll be loving over a lifetime. But here what I can promise to you, you will always be our mother and we will love you forever and nothing can ever take that away. I am not showing and saying it to you but I do love you and I am so proud of you.! I love you mama Issa. You are the best! Muah!

Aside from my mother there is someone that I like to recognize as well, a mother that loved me like her own child. Well, she is my lola, my grandmother. Remember when mother left us? She left us under the supervision of my lola. Lola became our second mother, like our mama she takes good care of us. In spite of her age she's doing everything she can to give us what we need. She's preparing our lunches. She's cooking for us even though she's not good at it but we used to her cooking and we love it even her adobo is nag-uumapaw sa sabaw. Haha. Even she only had one recipe called pa-cham we liked it. Also, she is always the most forgiving and understanding one. She is very supportive, and when she can, she will give us whatever we asked from her. She takes the smallest part of the whole chicken, she eats the food the we don't like. I loved her so much. 

Lola, you know I love you. I had told you, but I will tell once again. Thank you for everything even if you don't to, you take a good care of us all. You are the magnet the family. Many will say how come this family came is very much close to each other even if we are separated, it is because you are there. I am sorry whenever I raised the tone  of my voice on you. You don't deserved it at all. Thank you for my packed lunches. Thank you for always being forgiving and understanding. You know we love you and we will always here for you. And don't worry we will take care of you maybe not the way you cared for us cause no one in the world can match that but I promise it will lasts forever. 

I thank God for sending these two great mother. It is good enough to have one mother what more two great taking care of you. We are just so lucky to have you. You are such God's wonderful blessings to us. You are our true wealth and treasure. I love you both.


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