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Tuesday, April 12, 2011

A Call Center Agent Can Save Money Too!
Being a call center agent is the most available and most popular job here in the Philippines. It is also the one of the most high paying job for the undergraduates, fresh graduates and even some graduates of college. That's why I am an agent, I am an undergraduate of BS Accountancy.  
Anyway, I've been in the call center industry for almost one year and I've been in two companies in less than a year, I've lasted 7 months for the first company, reason of leaving? Load of work, imagined I am taking 400-800 calls a day it is a very short calls that lated only for 40 seconds. Now in my second job, I admit it I am receiving a low salary but still the load of work isn't much plus I enjoy it. 
On my first job I am earning 14,000 Php plus bonuses, more or so I am getting 17,000 a month. But to tell you something I NEVER SAVE ANYTHING FROM MY PAY! Well, I did save a little and that little is 5000 Php, imagine that!

Where did my money gone? 
1. TAX expense, imagine for every cut-off there is a tax of 1,000+ so that's two cut-offs a month so just do the math.

2. BILLS expense, well as very responsible child (ahem!) I am obligated to pay any of the two: Electrical bill or Telephone bill. Good luck to me, those two bills are around 3,000+ per month. 

3. HEALTH expense,  well yes I am getting a high pay but my health had been at risk. I've been confined in a hospital about a week because I am diagnosed of Gastritis. For goodness sake, I am not smoking, I am not drinking alcohol but when we held our first and last team building I am forced to try to take one shot of gin, the next day I am in the hospital. Haha. Very good right?! I paid around 12,000 cash plus I have to shoulder my medicines. Even though I have this health card I still pay that 12,000 plus the fact that I am in Leave of Absence (LOA) for a month. Meaning No Income for a month. Very good again!

4. Transportation and Allowance, well this only occupies 20% of my income a month. I am very thrifty when it comes to this expense I have my packed lunch with me and I just walk in the streets of Makati Ave. to save money and to avoid the traffic as well.

5. OTHER expenses, the biggest portion of all expenses. This includes planned and unplanned food tripping, shopping or going from one place to another. This also includes the school allowance of my brother and sisters. (I know, I know, I am their hero, haha. But honestly they take it as their pay because I let them do all the household chores. :p)

Robert Kyosaki said that is the cashflow of the poor. Well I guess, I am poor for now, but just FOR NOW! I AM LEARNING TO INVEST AND SAVE BY THIS TIME! 

Thank you to my mentors: 
Robert Kyosaki, I love his book Rich Dad, Poor Dad, the best financial book ever!!

Bo Sanchez, I love his books as well the Turning Thoughts into Dreams and How to Conquer Your Goliath. He is also my spiritual mentor.

Jomar Hilario, I am a member of his Online Mentoring Club, because of him I have open myself to the Online Marketing World.

Now on my second job even though I am just earning 12,000 Php as my starting pay. I am okay with it, first, because of the load of work, it is a lot easier and besides I'm just newly hire. Second, it is more accessible to my place. Third, since my pay is lower I am forced to change my lifestyle. I opened myself to lot more opportunities of  earning money. I strictly discipline myself to avoid unnecessary expenses and and my family is forced to change their lifestyle too. Here are some ways of cutting down our cost of living:

1. We are downgrading our internet connection and telephone subscription from 1300 to 990, 300 a month isn't bad start right?
2. We are also minimizing the usage of our air conditioner. We only use this when we some visitors.

3. We are also taking advantage of the competing market in the grocery stores we are buying those less expensive products than the usual branded ones. They are more likely the same anyway.

There they are! They might be simple but they are really helpful.

By the way, let me share some of the things I learn from my super idol and great mentor Bo Sanchez.
He said that once you get your pay, you have to divide it into 5 sections: Tithe Fund, Retirement Fund, Expense Fund, Support Fund and Emergency Fund (it is further explained in his book My Maid Invest in the Stock Market and Why You Should Too!). So this is how it works into my pay:

1. 1,200 for my Tithe Fund. This is very crucial because Bro. Obet Cabrillas said one of my favorite Kerygma Preachers, told us that God will bless more of 90% when you give your 10% to Him. 

2. 2,400 for my Retirement Fund. This shall make my dreams come true and make me financially free! Yay!

3. 2,400 for my Expense Fund. This should includes my monthly allowance and personal expenses. 

4. 3,000 for my Support Fund. This is supposed to be includes all the money that I will give to support my family.

5. 3,000 for my Emergency Fund. This is my savings for my future  studies. I know it is not enough, but at least I have some.

The two most followed and important funds for me are the Tithe Fund and the Retirement Fund. I know I am just 20 and I am talking of retirement already? Well of course I want to retire at 40 like my mentor Robert Kyosaki. The last three funds I often mixed them or not follow them because of some unnecessary expenses that I am now trying to control. But I am trying my best to budget everything. Well I didn't include there the tax from the government  but how I wish that my night difference can compensate it. :) 

Well there you go, even if your a call center agent or not just apply this in your own. and you'll see you will get the hang of it plus you can make your dreams come true. All you have to do is have a BIASED FOR ACTION and DISCIPLINE YOURSELF. Remember there is NO such thing as Easy Money. :)

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