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Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Single till Notice

Well, I have here a song that from my sweetest ever beloved singer, Taylor Swift, I love her truly because of her songs. Like for this one, Invisible, God! for years I think I am like that, invisible from men that I liked. Being single for 20 years seems like a joke to me, most especially when my cousin had her first boyfriend at 15. It's like are you kidding me?! I mean, I am not that noticeable. Well, I truly dedicate this song to this special man. Well, he calls me that, invisible. I like him a lot but you know being in love or liking someone that is like heaven and you are hell, I mean earth rather. It will just won't work. He's rich, intelligent, humorous, responsible, a man that every girl would like to be with and I am what, yeah, invisible. Ouch! I do love hurting myself don't I? I just can't have him. Spending an hour or two every other day is it enough time for him to notice me? Wanna know what makes it worst when you are loving someone that you know cannot love you back. *Silence* *Tears* *Regret* *Sigh*

I know that my journey doesn't ends here. But if given a chance "I just wanna show you, baby let me love you like I want too. And if you knew me we could be a beautiful miracle unbelievable instead of just invisible."

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