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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

2012! A whole new year of Hope.

“You have to make mistakes to find out who you aren't. You take the action, and the insight follows: You don't think your way into becoming yourself.”
—  Anne Lamott

Another year had passed and a whole new year have begun. As we all know that before 2011 a lot of natural disasters happened in the Philippines. Typhoon Sendong, who almost washed all of Cagayan De Oro and Iligan City. 

The cry of a father losing his daughter in midst of typhoon Sendong

But in the end, still all charity and "bayanihan" reign over this calamity. Not only in the Philippines that water rage had been experience who will forget Japan greatest calamity had faced the tsunami that killed thousands of people in Japan. 
from tsunami in Japan

The world was truly shocked and fear had been all around. But in spite of fear, helped was poured out all over the world. Prayers had been passed throughout the whole world and it is widely evident in all the social networking sites. Yes, we've been through a lot. I, myself lost my only dad due to hypertension. Even if we shed a million tears and experience a lot of heartaches and losing lives still it's a brand new year. I am very much looking for this 2012. 
A person without hope can only live for 4 seconds.
I had my own sets of mistakes but I know I will manage to learn from them. I am taking charge of my life right now. Start the new year right by giving all thanks and glory to God. Ask for guidance and wisdom. Seek mentors to guide me in investing in stocks and building businesses. Create more passive income. Those are my goals for this year. I've experienced to have a Christmas and New Year's eve at work and this year I will not allow that to happened again. I want to be with my family and I want to help more those in need. I am praying that the same thing will happen to you as well. Let's take charge of our lives and hope the best for 2012. God be with us.

Offer everything up to God for He in charge of everything. And with Him NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE.

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1 comment:

  1. The tsunami and Casey Anthony led me to God like never before...Anew to life, like the seeds of the dandelion to plant hope wherever the winds of change blow.
