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Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Officially not Yours! Wedding Proposal fails.

It's very important to be in a relationship that both have mutual feelings for each other. It is so hard that the other is so much in love while the other one is not so in love. I think one of the reason I am still single and its been for years, like years, is because I want to make sure that I can say yes to this man anytime, anywhere he proposes to me. To this man who proposes on him girlfriend in "UCLA's Mistletoe Cam", I feel for him for the rejection he got. For me, it will not really hurt if a world did see that but what will hurt too much is a rejection of someone whom I am offering my love. That hurts the most.  I don't know their relationship it greatly shows that he truly loves this girl the statement "I knew that I was going to do this since the first day that I met you, and I figured now was as good a time as any" that is just so sweet. But really its still a good thing that he knows this girl is not worth his love. I don't know the girl but maybe she's really confuse but she should just at least made a statement not just moving out of the scene. So guys make sure that you truly feels the "She's the one!" on the right girl because if you're not really sure of the girl's feelings better yet propose on a discreet way. But who knows this is her own way of saying "Officially, I am not Yours". I wish a good luck to both of them may they find their own true love, and me too! 

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